Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Sunday Tile-A-Thon

After acquiring all of my measurements and considering the slope of the floor, slope of the tub, length of the tub wall, height of the sink, height of the trim above the sink, and length of the sink wall, I determined that No Possible Tile Pattern would make the universe (or the tile in my bathroom) align properly. Martin would suggest that I approach it at the speed of light. Or hire a Quantum Mechanic.

It seemed the best way to go was to start with a full tile height at the lowest tub spot in the back corner, and tile out from there. I put up a little leftover cement board to hold up the tiles beyond the tub.

The Tub Slope from Hell meant I had to cut trapezoidal tiles following the bath slope. Every. Single. Tile. Needed. To. Be. Cut.

This severely hindered my progress, and I was not able to accomplish my self-imposed Tile Quota, which in my fantasies had the tiling Complete by end of day today. My fantasies also included being on a beach in the Carribean sipping a drink with an umbrella in it, and winning the lottery so I could hire someone else to finish up. But we can't all get what we want, now can we.

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