I assume he means the lawn type.
So that's my little project. Topsoil, grass seed, and a little fertilizer later, I'm ready to watch the grass grow.
I assume he means the lawn type.
So that's my little project. Topsoil, grass seed, and a little fertilizer later, I'm ready to watch the grass grow.
End rant. Back to project.
Now that I've finished the tub enclosure and am able to indulge in Cleanliness in the privacy of my own home with my Woman-centric personal toiletries (and tampons), the Urgency of the tile job has faded.
And in my copious free time, in which I normally spend fixing Ballardia, I now have a new hobby. Feeding myself.
Having had a plethora of rather odd symptoms for ages, which I won't outline here in graphic detail (sharing 'tampons' was quite enough information for one blog entry), I finally decided to Do Something. And "Something" started with doctor visits with rather unhelpful advice of taking More Drugs.
I don't like taking meds for the simple reason that I want my liver to focus on more important things, such as processing my alcohol consumption. So I was left searching for Another Answer, which came in the form of food allergy testing.
The food allergy testing required a simple blood test, plus another 3 day Unspeakable Test conducted in the Privacy of my Bathroom Project, which I will also not outline in graphic detail. After waiting 3 weeks, the results came In.May I have a drumroll, please.
The results showed that I am allergic to probably 50% of my caloric intake - all dairy, eggs, wheat, and sugar cane. Oh, and lest I think I could substitute in something else for these products - I'm allergic to soybeans, almonds, and bananas too. I don't consume these things anyway, but they would be handy Alternatives to things I ate in my Diet of Yore.
The simple act of going to the grocery store turned into an Adventure filled with Drama and Intrigue as I read the labels of Everything, hoping to find some miracle food that I could both eat, and would actually want to.So when will the bathroom tiling resume?
After I've successfully made edible baked goods. Or when American retires their aging MD80s, whichever comes first.